Tony Lea

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December 26, 2020

Creating Browser Mockups in TailwindCSS

Written by Tony Lea - 3 minute read

TailwindCSS gives us the ability to create some really cool designs. It also gives us the power to create some cool elements on our page, such as browser mockups. You'll learn how to create multiple browser mockups in this quick tutorial in TailwindC...

December 11, 2020

Create a Typing Effect in AlpineJS

Written by Tony Lea - 8 minute read

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to use AlpineJS to create a simple typing effect. You can take a look at a quick example of what we'll be creating in the Codepen below: {% codepen %} This can easily be accom...

December 2, 2020

Hide AlpineJS Components with x-cloak

Written by Tony Lea - 1 minute read

When using a javascript framework, you will most likely need a way to hide elements until they are fully rendered. This will reduce any flickering and it will create a better user experience. With AlpineJS we can use the x-cloak attribute to hide ele...

November 29, 2020

TailwindCSS, Give Me Some Space

Written by Tony Lea - 4 minute read

Recently, I started using the space utility classes in Tailwind, which gives you the ability to create equal space between elements. When I first started using Tailwind, I found myself reaching for mx-5, my-3, ml-2, and all the other awesome margin u...

November 21, 2020

Create a Blog in Laravel and Livewire

Written by Tony Lea - 12 minute read

In this tutorial, we are going to walk-through creating a simple blog in Laravel and Livewire. It will be pretty simple and can be used as a starting point for building your blog with these awesome frameworks. To kick things off, we'll start by creat...

November 18, 2020

Tailwind V2 Released 🎉

Written by Tony Lea - 1 minute read

Tailwind version 2.0 has been officially released along with a fancy new website. You gotta check it out, this thing is impressive. There are some pretty cool things available in v2, which include: Focus Ring Feature The Focus Ring will allow you to...

November 6, 2020

Goto Previous File in VSCode

Written by Tony Lea - 1 minute read

I love using the command palette in VS Code to jump to a specific file. You can open the palette with the keyboard shortcut Cmd+P and then start typing for the name of the file you are looking for. This is great! Unfortunately, when switching betwee...

November 6, 2020

Laravel Authentication vs Authorization

Written by Tony Lea - 1 minute read

Laravel provides some really great features out of the box. Authentication and Authorization are just a few of them. If you are fairly new to application development and/or Laravel, these two features might get confusing to distinguish them apart. In...

October 31, 2020

AdonisJS for Beginners

Written by Tony Lea - 2 minute read

AdonisJS is a Node framework that feels a lot like Laravel. In fact, many of the features feel and act very similar to Laravel. In this quick tutorial, I'll show you how to get set up with a simple Adonis application and create a few routes. Let's be...

October 16, 2020

Laravel Gates

Written by Tony Lea - 5 minute read

Laravel Gates allows you to authorize users from accessing certain areas of your application. You can easily define gates in your application and then use them to allow or deny access. Let's start things off with a simple example of granting access w...

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