Tony Lea

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February 26, 2021

Converting Markdown to HTML in Laravel

Written by Tony Lea - 1 minute read

In the latest version of Laravel, converting your markdown into HTML couldn't be easier. All you need to do is reach for the handy Str helper method and you can accomplish this in one line. Converting Markdown to HTML You can simply run the new Str::...

February 16, 2021

Paddle Payment Platform

Written by Tony Lea - 2 minute read

Paddle is an awesome payment platform that makes integrating payments into your application super easy. 😎 Today at Paddle Forward, a quarterly event, they talked about some awesome new features that you might like to know about. Why is this important...

February 14, 2021

Write a Post, Get Paid

Written by Tony Lea - 1 minute read

Are you a developer who enjoys writing articles and tutorials. If so, here's an opportunity to earn some money on a weekly basis. You can write these tutorials/posts on your own site and you can re-post it to the DevDojo for a chance to win $20 each ...

January 26, 2021

A Brief History of Web Development

Written by Tony Lea - 4 minute read

As web developers, we have an arsenal of 🛠 tools, frameworks, and libraries at our fingertips. But, it's important to remember that this hasn't always been the case. Back in the days of Netscape Navigator and Geo Cities, you would have to scavenge th...

January 23, 2021

Best 5 NPM Command Line Games 🎮

Written by Tony Lea - 2 minute read

Have you ever been inside of terminal and said to yourself, "I wish I could play a quick game of Pong." Yeah, me either, but if that ever comes up, here are 5 cool games that you can install with NPM and play directly in your terminal. 1. P...

January 15, 2021

Tracing Objects in TailwindCSS

Written by Tony Lea - 2 minute read

I've been getting good at designing and painting elements on the page using TailwindCSS. I decided to use a flat laptop image 🖼️ and design it with TailwindCSS. It was actually pretty simple after I figured out the best way to trace elements. Let me ...

January 13, 2021

Custom Animations in TailwindCSS

Written by Tony Lea - 3 minute read

Tailwind provides some simple animations out of the box. If you're not familiar with these animations, be sure to check out my post on TailwindCSS Animations here. These simple animations are pretty cool; however, we may want to add some custom anima...

January 7, 2021

5 reasons to start using TailwindCSS

Written by Tony Lea - 3 minute read

It's 2021, and it's time for a change. Bootstrap has held its reign as the top CSS framework for quite some time; however, that's all about to change. TailwindCSS is the cat's pajamas, it's the bee's knees, it's the coolest thing since peanut butter ...

January 3, 2021

It's ok jQuery, I still love you

Written by Tony Lea - 3 minute read

This is more of a story than a tutorial. It's a story of a library that reached great fame and then became hated by developers everywhere. If you can't tell by the tone, this is also a semi-sarcastic light-hearted post. Let me take you back in time. ...

January 1, 2021

AlpineJS for Beginners

Written by Tony Lea - 9 minute read

AlpineJS is a new javascript library/framework that focuses on simple javascript interactivity, and it does it really well. If you're looking for a JS framework with routing, state management, and a bit more complexity. Well then, Vue or React may be...

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